
23rd of October 2015BioPak gives back

BioPak donated 1% of profits to Rainforest Rescue

Each year we donate 1% of profits to Rainforest Rescue on behalf of our customers to protect and regenerate rainforest in the Daintree.

BioPak has to date funded the protection of an two hectares of Lot 46, Cape Tribulation Rd, and enabling Rainforest Rescue to plant 2,500 tree seedlings for regeneration, BioPak not only stands as Rainforest Rescue’s largest Business Partner, but also the largest contributor to rainforest conservation this year. Lot 46 and BioPak’s ‘Piece of Paradise’ harbours high biodiversity and protects critically important habitat for a range of threatened flora and fauna species.

Protecting these last areas of Australia’s rich lowland rainforests is critical and has been a priority for Rainforest Rescue since 2010.

By answering Rainforest Rescue’s call to arms as the first business partner to invest in protecting an entire hectare of Lot 46 forever, we created a high impact conservation success story together. In the words of the rainforest ecologist for Rainforest Rescue, Lot 46 is “…now contributing positively to biodiversity and conservation values, carbon uptake, and protection of important local, regional and global ecological processes in the Daintree. This project provides one of the best global examples of full property restoration in a critically important area with very high biodiversity values.”

On Lot 46 where once just a handful of ‘pioneering’ tree species occurred mixed with the weeds, there is now a growing forest with more than 200 tree species, and in places, some of these are already 12-15m tall! Wildlife is coming back to Lot 46 to search for food and create their home, and as their Rainforest Rescue's ecologist states “what was once weed impacted and rubbish strewn land is now rich in Cassowary food trees and Cassowaries. Bush Hens have partitioned off territories across the whole property and are busy turning over the leaf litter. More generally the number and richness of forest birds has increased incredibly. With the forest birds have come more seeds from the surrounding forest and a continuing increase in ‘natural’ regeneration. Ulysses Butterflies now float majestically between and across the developing forest canopy.”

These positive environmental outcomes will be realised ongoing and forever across even more of Lot 46, if Rainforest Rescue has the ability to fund the remaining hectares and ensure that the seedlings planted to date here, and on all Rainforest Rescue properties and partnering land in the Daintree, are continually looked after and are given every chance to survive and flourish.

Rainforest Rescue's Land Manager Joe Reichl and his team propagate up to 20,000 local rainforest tree species annually in the Daintree Community Nursery and once planted, have a 98% survival rate for our trees. The team plants over 250 different species of rainforest trees to create a diverse rainforest ecosystem for the many species of plants and animals that exist in the rainforest. Some of the 70,000 trees planted will grow up to a massive 40 metres high.

Incredible ongoing care and maintenance is taken to ensure the high survivability rate on the rainforest tree seedlings and we choose tree-planting sites that enhance existing rainforest remnants and provide links and corridors for wildlife. We want to help threatened species and restore the 75% of Australian rainforest that has been destroyed. This is where an opportunity exists to ‘adopt’ these seedlings.

At BioPak we are proud to donate 1% of profits, on behlaf of our customers, to tree planting and ongoing restoration of the Danitree.
Together we can make a difference.

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